Revolutionizing Ocean Sustainability
Pumping Deep Ocean Nutrients to the Surface for a Healthier Planet

We have developed a groundbreaking Man-Made Ocean Upwelling System that brings nutrient-rich deep ocean water to the surface using the natural energy of ocean currents. This process fertilizes vast areas of open ocean, stimulating algae and phytoplankton growth – the foundation of marine ecosystems and a major player in carbon sequestration.

With zero external power required and minimal maintenance, this system has the potential to boost seafood production, reduce atmospheric CO2 and mitigate climate change – all at an incredibly low cost.

Our device is a large underwater wing (airfoil) that acts like a kite in fast-moving ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream. Equipped with propeller-driven water pumps, it draws deep, cold water from over 1,000 feet below the surface and releases it at the top through a large floating hose. The system harnesses a large underwater wing, which moves through the water like a kite flying through the air. This motion significantly increases the speed of water flowing over the propellers, generating far greater energy efficiency. As a result, the propellers drive the water pumps with enhanced force, maximizing the system’s ability to distribute nutrients and supporting marine biomass growth.

At first glance, it may seem like the pump is doing the impossible – lifting water from 1,000 feet deep. But it’s not actually “lifting” water in the traditional sense.

Since the outside pressure at 1,000 feet deep is nearly the same as the pressure inside the hose, the pump only needs to overcome a tiny pressure difference – just 0.002% of atmospheric pressure. This means:

  • Minimal energy is required to move massive amounts of water
  • The system can operate continuously with no external power
  • More water can be moved with less effort compared to traditional pumps

Instead of working against gravity, our system uses natural buoyancy and pressure equilibrium to move water efficiently, making this an incredibly low-energy, high-impact solution.


1. Supercharging Ocean Life
In many areas of the ocean, surface waters are nutrient-poor like a barren desert. But where natural upwellings occur, marine life flourishes. Our system replicates this process, creating new thriving marine ecosystems that support fish, whales, and entire food chains.

20% of the ocean’s natural upwellings produce over 50% of the world’s seafood.

With more upwelling, we can dramatically increase fish populations and restore ocean biodiversity.

2. The Nutrient Power of Deep Ocean Water
Deep ocean water, sourced from depths of 200 meters (650 feet) or more, is vastly richer in essential nutrients compared to surface waters. Unlike surface waters that are often depleted of key nutrients due to biological consumption and lack of replenishment, deep ocean water remains untouched by sunlight-driven biological activity, allowing it to retain high concentrations of:

Nitrate (NO3 – 50 to 100 times more abundant than in surface waters, fueling plant and phytoplankton growth.

Phosphate (PO4 – Critical for energy transfer and DNA synthesis in marine life, often 20 to 50 times more concentrated than at the surface.

Silicate (SiO4 – Essential for diatom growth, supporting the base of the marine food chain.

Dissolved Carbon Dioxide (CO2 – Enhances photosynthesis and biomass production when mixed with sunlit waters.

Trace Minerals (Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, etc.) – Vital for enzyme functions and overall marine ecosystem health.

By pumping deep ocean water into the surface, we can dramatically enhance marine productivity in a controlled and sustainable manner. This process mimics natural upwelling, where nutrient-rich deep water fuels plankton blooms, fish populations, and marine vegetation growth, creating 10 times more biomass per square foot than land-based farming with the same nutrient availability.

Additionally, deep ocean water has lower temperatures and higher dissolved oxygen levels, which can help regulate marine environments, mitigate ocean warming effects, and support biodiversity.

3. Fighting Climate Change
Algae and phytoplankton tiny ocean plants absorb CO2‚ and produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Our system stimulates their growth on a massive scale, capturing CO2‚‚ as effectively as forests do.

Oceans produce 70% of Earth’s oxygen.

Expanding phytoplankton growth means removing more carbon from the air.

4. Potential to Reduce Hurricane Intensity
Since our system brings cooler deep water to the surface, it can slightly lower ocean surface temperatures, potentially reducing the strength of hurricanes.

5. One square foot of ocean with proper nutrients can produce ten times the biomass of one square foot of land with proper nutrients. This incredible efficiency highlights the ocean’s potential to support sustainable food production while conserving land and freshwater resources.  This is because on average light goes 300’ deep and each algae cell can reproduce itself every day with proper nutrients doubling the biomass daily.

Simple, Efficient, and Cost-Effective

  1. A ship transports and deploys the system in the ocean current.
  2. An anchor secures the airfoil deep underwater.
  3. Propellers spin from current energy, driving high-volume pumps.
  4. Nutrient-rich water is released at the surface, spreading with the current.

Once in place, the system requires no external power or human operation. It works continuously, year-round, at an incredibly low cost.

By deploying many of these systems in some of the world’s twenty-seven major ocean currents, we could:

  • Remove enough CO2‚ to counteract global emissions
  • Replenish fish stocks and create sustainable seafood sources
  • Enhance ocean ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Contribute to cooling ocean surfaces, reducing hurricane risks

This is a game-changing approach to both carbon capture and marine restoration at a fraction of the cost of other climate solutions.

This technology is ready for large-scale implementation. Investors, scientists, policymakers, and environmental organizations we invite you to be part of this transformative project.

Let’s turn the ocean into the world’s most powerful climate solution.